Co-Mo Scholarship
All application materials must be turned in by April 1.
Every year, Co-Mo Connect Powered by Electric Cooperative hands out thousands of dollars in college scholarships through its
Co-Mo Cares Operation Round Up fund.
Co-Mo Connect Powered by Co-Mo Electric Cooperative is looking for local students who need financial assistance to further their education.
The cooperative, for the 27th consecutive year, is offering college scholarships to students who live within its service area. Since the program began, the cooperative has given out more than $690,000 in education aid.
The period to apply for a Co-Mo scholarship opens March 1. All application materials must be turned in by April 1.
Funding for the scholarships comes through the Co-Mo Cares Trust “Operation Round Up” program. Co-Mo members who choose to participate in the Round Up program have their electric bills rounded up each month to the next dollar, with the change going into the trust. The average member contributes about $6 each year, but through the donations the cooperative has awarded more than $1.9 million in scholarships and local assistance since the program began in 1997.
“Co-Mo exists to improve the quality of life for the region we serve,” said Aaron Bradshaw, the cooperative’s CEO. “Operation Round Up is one of the ways our members can help us improve lives in Co-Mo Country. From college scholarships to helping families who have fallen on hard times, the money members donate helps people right here in our communities.”
Applications for a college scholarship can be picked up at either Co-Mo office, local high school counselors’ offices or by visiting co-mo.coop. The application and all associated materials can be brought to either of Co-Mo’s offices or mailed to:
Co-Mo Cares Trust Inc.
Attn: Montana Dorsey
P.O. Box 220, Tipton, MO, 65081
Montana Dorsey, Co-Mo Administrative Coordinator and Coordinator of the Operation Round Up program, said offering the scholarships is in keeping with the values of the electric cooperative world.
“Part of being a cooperative means having a genuine concern for a community. The generosity of our members through programs such as Operation Round Up allows us to do that and make a difference in the lives of young people in our area,” Dorsey said.
To be eligible, students must have their permanent residence within Co-Mo’s service territory, though they do not have to receive electric service from the cooperative. Students must plan on attending an accredited technical or academic school. First-time recipients will be required to attend a financial seminar at Co-Mo’s office in Tipton. Further guidelines are attached to the application.