Apply for Electric Service
Welcome to Co-Mo Connect!
We’re happy you want to become part of Co-Mo Connect Powered by Co-Mo Electric Cooperative.
Here’s what you need to do:
If Your Property Has Never Had Co-Mo Service Before:
If you are building in a new area and your property has never had Co-Mo service before, you will need to complete the forms listed below and return them to our office in person or by mail.
The notarized Right-of-Way Easement must be accompanied by a legal land description, which is available from the county Recorder’s Office.
A non-refundable processing fee is due at the time of application. Additional costs may be required after we meet with you on site.
Submitting an application does not automatically ensure service. A customer service representative may need to contact you for more information.
Mail or deliver all documents and the processing fee to one of the Co-Mo offices. If mailing, use the following address:
Co-Mo Connect Powered by Co-Mo Electric Cooperative
ATTN: Engineering
P.O. Box 220
Tipton, MO 65081
Once the documents and processing fee are received, a Service Planning Technician will call you to make an appointment to meet with you to discuss line extension procedures and give you instructions regarding right-of-way clearance.
If Your Property Previously Had Co-Mo Service:
If the property you purchased has previously had Co-Mo service, call Co-Mo at (800) 781-0157. A Member Care Representative will tell you the current status of your meter and let you know which of the following forms you need to download and send to us.
If you want to upgrade your service (for example: Adding electric heat or to change from an overhead to underground line), you will need to complete the Service Upgrade Checklist – Non-Commercial and return it to our office in person or by mail.
A $150 non-refundable processing fee is required. Additional costs may be necessary after we meet with you on site.
Mail or deliver all documents and the $150 fee.
Submitting an application does not automatically ensure service. A customer service representative may need to contact you for more information.
Co-Mo Connect Powered by Co-Mo Electric Cooperative
ATTN: Engineering
P.O. Box 220
Tipton, MO 65081
Once the checklist and $150 fee are received, a Service Planning Technician will call you to make an appointment to meet with you to discuss your upgrade request.
If Your Property Previously Had Co-Mo Service:
The following documents are from our Engineering Department.
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