Co-Mo Connect 85th Annual Meeting
Video will be available 5/28/24

It was a beautiful day as members of Co-Mo Connect attended the 85th Annual Meeting.
Co-Mo Connect members and subscribers were able to take part in bucket truck rides, an exotic petting zoo, pony rides, a bounce house, information booths, photos and autographs from special guest Dan Meers also known as KC Wolf, and a delicious meal catered by Lutz BBQ, all before the annual business meeting of the membership on May 23.
In addition to the family fun entertainment and meal, members were also able to vote in person during the meeting. The in-person vote was the final voting option for members this year, which also included the opportunity to vote online and via mail-in ballot prior to the meeting.
The business meeting ran smoothly with an energetic start with a presentation from Dan Meers followed by a check presentation by the Co-Mo Cares Board to Dan Meer’s Character the Counts charity, introductions of board candidates, an update on the cooperative from CEO Aaron Bradshaw, OB Clark award recipient announcements, and the statement of the 2024 election results.
During the meeting, Kathy Page (District One), Gary Harris (District Two, incumbent), and Byron Haldiman (District Three) were elected to the board.
The membership also voted to approve both bylaw changes that were on the ballot this year. For more information see below.
Following the meeting of the members, the board held a re-organization session and voted to keep all current officers in their roles. Gene Eulinger remains president of the board, Gary Harris will continue as vice president, and Rick Everhart, Sr. will continue as secretary and treasurer.
“Thank you to everyone who was able to attend the Annual Meeting this year and to everyone who was able to take part in the democratic process and vote for board members who will serve on the board for the next three years,” said Co-Mo Connect CEO Aaron Bradshaw. “I know I speak for everyone here at Co-Mo when I say that we appreciate the opportunity to serve you and this community.”
If you missed the meeting, you can watch it online at the top of this page!
Meet the 2024 Winners
- Miss their bios and speeches? Check them out here! -
Bylaw Revision Information
Below you will find summaries of the APPROVED bylaw revisions that were voted on by the members in 2024.
Article VII, Section 2. Patronage Capital in Connection with Furnishing Electric Energy
Summary of changes to the bylaw:
The changes to Article VII, Section 2 allows for the board to have the ability to approve the immediate retirement of discounted capital credits to be directly applied to the cost of construction of a patron’s line extension of electric service to a new location to be served by the Cooperative upon such terms and conditions as the Board of Directors and patron may agree upon; provided, however, that the financial condition of the Cooperative will not be impaired thereby. Members shall request in writing that the capital credited to any such patron’s line extension be retired prior to the time such capital would otherwise be retired under the provisions of these bylaws.
Article VII, SECTION 3. Unclaimed Capital Credits.
Summary of changes to the bylaw:
The changes to Article VII, Section 3 allow for a Member-focused approach to publicizing the notice of Unclaimed Capital Credits. This proposed change allows for the continuation of notifications to be placed in Rural Missouri magazine as well as the cooperative website with the option to also post the notification in a newspaper of general circulation in the county in which the Cooperative locates its general headquarters if deemed necessary by the Co-Mo Board of Directors.